Top Pics of the Month – February

It’s time for another round of Top Pics! This month, the Photobug Community is focusing their lenses on gentle embraces, sweet moments, and brides who know how to party. So if you’re looking for some fresh photo inspiration, keep scrolling! These talented photographers are telling the story of love in their own special way.

photo by Carey Nash

photo by Damien Milan

photo by Ed & Aileen Photography

photo by Khael Bosch

photo by Manuel Balles

photo by Bows & Lavender

photo by Jades Photography

photo by Megan Ernst Photography

photo by Charlotte Kiri Photography

photo by  Naomi van der Kraan 

photo by Time Of Joy Photography 

photo by Nikki Hollett

photo by Nina & Darek

photo by Deri Mulyadi

photo by Miriam Nussbächer

photo by Abby Jo Photography

photo by Gumilang Rafsanjani

photo by Kierstin Jones Photography

photo by Alfonso Flores

photo by Gumilang Rafsanjani

As always, a big thanks to this month’s contributors for sharing their inspiring work! Want to see your photo featured in an upcoming Top Pics post? Be sure to tag your images on Instagram with #photobugcommunity, and join us on Facebook over in our Photobug Community Group.

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